This year has been a really hard one for my friend, Becky Williams.  She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, and also lost her father.  She lost her mother to breast cancer 20 years ago. But she is a fighter. And she is the friend that always has a smile on her face, and the one who you call when you really need someone.  She finished her chemo and is now waiting for her double mastectomy, which has been delayed due to a blood clot from her chemo port.  

Becky, a wife and mother of 4, has never given up and has always faced this struggle with determination and strength.  Why is it that the strongest people are given these struggles?  I believe it is because they have something to teach us with their example.  When you see a friend or family member go through life threatening illness, it has to change you.  It shows you that your daily frustrations and annoyances aren't worth getting upset over.  Seeing their strength and grace feeds the souls of those around them.  It creates moments of growth and inspiration in us all. Life is much more than the little problems that we face each day when life hangs in the balance.

This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I decided several months back that I wanted to do a fundraiser for Becky by selling breast cancer themed Kinderpacks that celebrate her strength and acknowledge her fight.  I know that so many families have their own story that mimics Becky's story- they are all too common.  These two Kinderpacks will speak to those that have had their own breast cancer journey themselves, or their own dear friend or family member.  My interest in doing a fundraiser like this is to help Becky DIRECTLY with 50% of all sales today, toward the financial burden that her medical expenses have put on her family.  


Let's all try to celebrate each other today, and every day, because life is too precious, too unpredictable, and too damn short. <3

With much love to you all,






October 02, 2016 — Melissa Pruitt