International Babywearing Week 2017 Stories!

Kindercarry is celebrating IBW 2017!
Threaded Together
"The theme for International Babywearing Week’s ninth annual celebration is Threaded Together. The inspiration for the theme comes from the many different threads that when combined through the weaving process form all of the carriers we use. All of these individual threads, once woven, create a material in the same way individuals and groups worldwide come together to create a global babywearing community."
"I babywear because without it I would've lost myself to my Post-Partum Depression and Anxiety. It allowed me to be free while still being there for my son. It allowed me to still be there for myself, my husband and my son. In my daily life it helps me go out without worrying about my son running around touching everything everywhere we go. I choose Kinderpacks because every other carrier I tried, exacerbated my chronic back pain from my epidural, and I'm convinced that with any other carrier my back pain would have never gone away. I also choose Kinderpacks because I love that they're made from a WAHP business. I can see the love and craft that goes into Kinderpacks. And for that reason I love babywearing and I love my Kinderpacks"

"My babywearing journey began with my first baby. After 2 months of sitting around doing nothing but breastfeeding, I decided that I needed to start getting a few things done around the house. I started with an ergo (i.e the gateway carrier). I was drawn to the Kinderpack initially because of the awesome prints, but once I got past the "what the heck do all these straps do." I was hooked! When I had my son, I had 2 babies under 2. He lived in a carrier! Fast forward a year and some months. We've learned he has a sensory processing disorder. He's often inconsolable and it can even get to the point where he is banging his head. Going "up" in the "pack pack" is one of the fastest and easiest ways to calm him down. It's essential for trips to the grocery and just when we're "having a sensory day." Now that he's a big boy I can't tell you how thankful I am to have a comfortable carrier(s), because let's face it, you can't have just one 😂, that is/are big enough for him.
"As the first commenter, babywearing saved me from PPD and PPA. We first learned of KP however, when my firstborn was 3. She has sensory issues and a friend told me about the preschool sized KP. It was amazing and helped us through many overload meltdowns! Then little sister came along and I tandem wore which helped my oldest adjust to a new baby in the house. Now we have our third. A little baby boy. KP saved us last weekend. I became painfully ill and landed in the ER. My husband got a quick how to lesson and is thankful for KP. Before we knew it, I was transferred to another hospital for immediate surgery. Our infant KP helped my husband keep baby calm and happy while juggling our two girls. After my surgery, my husband said he didn't know how he would have been able to handle things if it wasn't for the KP! We are KP'ers for life!"
"Before baby was born, everyone told me to buy a Tula. So I did. We were getting ready to go hiking in the Smokey Mountains, so I took my Tula to a local babywearing group, and asked for help fitting her into it. They told me I needed to use the insert, but didn't have one available to rent. So, I asked what I could use instead. They offered me a Kinderpack, and I was instantly hooked! We took it up hiking in the mountains, and have used it almost every day since! It is just so comfy and easy to use!
I babywear to get things done. It is so much easier, and soothing (for me and baby) than using the stroller, especially when grocery shopping! I also love to babywear because I love hiking. The Kinderpack is so comfy. My LO (little one) loves to look around and enjoy the sights, and then fall asleep when she is ready. She sleeps so much better in the Kinderpack than anywhere else!
I have been renting from our babywearing group for a month now, but I am ready to purchase my own. I'm just trying to decide if I can wait a little while longer on the super cute watercolor planets pattern that is coming soon, or if I will get the Constellations pattern that glows in the dark! This momma loves the space themes! Maybe I'll just have to get them both!
Thank you Kinderpack for allowing me such a sweet bonding opportunity with my daughter during these precious years of her life! I'm looking forward to many years on this babywearing journey!"
"I wear because I love keeping my babies close when they are little. As they have grown I wear to help with safety, naps, tired feet, and even tantrums (usually because of tiredness or hunger). It gives my children the ability to feel safe and aware of the world around them. I love using Kinderpack so I have hands free for the other children.
Mommin' like a boss."
"We choose to baby wear because we have stuff to do! We're always on the go. We brought our toddler KP with us to the UK and we were able to do everything we wanted! It was awesome not lugging a huge stroller around. My son always wanted to be held and wearing him allowed me to accomplish some of the things I wanted while still giving him what he needed. One thing I love about the kp is the waist clip. I find that the placement in the center is more flattering and I feel more comfortable wearing him on my back vs other carriers. Our daughter is 7 weeks old and loves her infant KP which is a good thing because we need to wear her to keep up with her brother. I've also found it incredibly easy to breastfeed in the KPs. Next summer both kids will be spending lots of time in their KP's as we tackle another big military move."
"Babywearing (toddler wearing in my case haha) is suuuper helpful in places where I have to contain Maddux! He runs away ALL THE TIME (see pic). The kinderpack is so comfy and are so cute!"
"I started babywearing with my first when he was close to 1. I had resisted it before, trying to avoid practicing attachment parenting. Finally I embraced my intuition and used facets of AP in my parenting. As someone with mild to moderate anxiety, especially post partum, babywearing has been a key tool in helping me function. Plus I love being able to nurse in the Kinderpack easily and without slowing everything down. We love adventures and the KP makes getting out with a little person doable. The KP is beautiful, so comfortable, and more durable than I would have guessed. It's my favorite carrier."
"My best friend turned me on to KP after I realized my baby still thought we were one person and refused to be put down EVER. Kinderpacks have change my life- I no longer stress about what to do with my girl when we are out shopping, walking the dogs or out and about while she needs a nap. I love having her close and knowing she is happy. I even wear her while I work and it would be impossible to get things done one-handed... plus nobody asks to hold your baby when they are tucked away in the KP!"
"Baby #1 I dabbled in babywearing. My baby was "so clingy and needy...." or so I thought. Turns out, babies just like to be held and nursed way more than I ever realized I didn't know much about baby wearing and it hurt my back so I eventually quit until my little could go on my back (around 11 months.) When my boy outgrew my Boba, I tried a Tula from a local babywearing library and didn't love it. It hurt my back too. When I shared this with the baby wearing group, several people mentioned I should try a Kinderpack. The lending library didn't have a toddler sized. So I bought one off the BST page and LOVED all the fun prints.
Fast forward to baby #2, and i knew babywearing was LIFE 😂 As soon as I found out I was pregnant I was scouring the BST pages for an infant Kinderpack. We baby wear everywhere. Even skipped an infant bucket car seat seat opting for a convertible car seat and babywearing instead."
"I have been babywearing for over 7 years now. I had my first 2 children in less than a year, and knew it would be a necessary tool for survival. I was an avid woven wrap user, before I found the ease and comfort of SSC's. I tried every brand out there, and finally came upon Kinderpack. All other carriers were "OK" until about 30 minutes and then my body started to protest. Shoulder pain, back pain, and usually my baby wasn't thrilled either. I have a back back from years of high level sports, and I thought 30 minutes was just all I would get. Then I tried Kinderpack and I got HOURS of pain free babywearing, and my baby was the happiest in that carrier as well! I was on cloud 9! At this point I also had a toddler, and with the larger sizes Kindercarry made, I took advantage of that and was able to wear both of them at the same time! My life was forever changed. Baby #4 is my last, and at a tall 3.5 years old, we are in the largest preschool size. But to this day, she will still ask for her "pinderpack" and it's still a NECESSARY tool for almost any major outing (theme park, zoo, even a hike lasting more than a mile!). The Kinderpack has taken us all places we surely would have never been able to go without it!"
We Kinderpack together
The common thread in all of these stories is of course that all of these caregivers have chosen not just babywearing, but Kinderpacks to hold their children close. As always, here at Kindercarry, we are humbled and grateful for your support of our small business. We are still WAHP (Work at Home Parent) made and family-owned. We are truly in awe of the stories and how many lives have been made better by using our baby carrier. Feel free to share your Kinderpack story below in the comments, or on social media with #MyKinderpackAdventures - IBW is the PERFECT time to share how babywearing and your Kinderpack has affected your life as a caregiver!